FONS and NMBA Merger

5/12/2022 10:29 pm

Updated: 5/29/2022


The Executive Boards of NMBA and FONS announced that effective July 1, 2022 FONS and NMBA will be merging all vocal music related operations.  This will once again create one music boosters organization supporting all of our instrumental and vocal music programs.  Music Boosters thanks FONS, their members and past boards for the past 20 years of supporting our vocal music programs!


What Does This Mean?

  • NMBA will retain its name as Nutley Music Boosters Association

  • FONS will be changing its name (TBD) and focusing on the theatre programs including the NHS and JHWMS plays.

  • All choir students accounts will be transferred to Music Boosters

    • Accounts for these students will “roll over” every year.

    • Accounts will begin in 7th grade and go thru 12th grade.

  • NO MORE CONFUSION if a parent has joined the right booster organization.

Why Now?

  • Over the past 2-3 years many of our fundraising efforts have been combined or have been duplicated, basically competing with each other.

  • We already do many things together, such as the NHS Music Trips, St. Mary’s Benefit Concert, Tree Lighting, etc.

  • There is a lot of crossover with students, many being in both vocal or an instrumental ensemble.

What’s Next?

  • If your child is in one of the choir or instrumental programs, please join NMBA to help support all of our music programs and stay up to date regarding fundraising, concert, trip, event, etc. information.

  • The FONS organization will be rebranding to be a booster club specific to supporting the school district's theater programs. This is a work in progress so please be on the lookout for more information if your child is interested in the after school theater activities.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sal Scarpelli, NMBA President at

NMBA Executive Board